PTS, Argentina
We, the undersigned, condemn the brutal police repression against demonstrators who came out to the streets to oppose the new memorandum signed by Tsipras and The Troika, and backed by the Greek Parliament.
We, national and provincial deputies, from the Partido de Trabajadores Socialistas (PTS), part of the FIT, Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores (Left and Workers’ Front) from Argentina, demand the immediate release and dropping of all charges by the Greek authorities against those arrested.
Our solidarity goes to more than fifteen thousand demonstrators who gathered in Syntagma Square in Athens to oppose the austerity measures imposed on the Greek workers and people. We stand by those who join the strike called by the civil servants federation (ADEDY) while inside the Parliament the majority of Syriza and the right-wing pro-austerity parties like New Democracy and To Potami, approved the agreement.
We condemn the brutal repression by the riot police against the youth and workers, and we demand the dropping of all the charges against near 50 demonstrators. Among them, two militants from OKDE-Spartakos, members of the Anti-capitalist Left Coalition ANTARSYA, one of the organizations calling the demonstrations. One of them is an educator and trade union activist, and the other one is the Secretary of Bookstores Workers from Athens.
Nicolás del Caño, National Deputy (Mendoza province) for the FIT, PTS leader, and presidential candidate in the next primary election of the Left and the Workers’ Front.
Myriam Bregman, National Deputy (Buenos Aires province) for the FIT. A lawyer from CEPRODH (Human Rights organization), and vice president candidate in the next primary election of the Left and the Workers’ Front.
Christian Castillo, former provincial Deputy (Buenos Aires) FIT, PTS leader, governor candidate in the next primary election of the Left and the Workers’ Front.
Raul Godoy, PTS leader, worker of Zanon, former General Secretary of the Union of Ceramic Workers and Employees of Neuquen province, Argentina.Provincial Deputy-elect (Neuquen).
Patricio del Corro, legislator-elect (Buenos Aires City).
Javier Hermosilla
Member of the comision interna (shop floor commission) at Mondelez (ExKraft Foods), (PTS), running for governor candidate in the next primary election of the Left and the Workers’ Front.
María Victoria Moyano Artigas, daughter of desaparecidos and a member of CEPRODH (Human Rights organization), running for national deputy (Buenos Aires City) candidate in the next primary election of the Left and the Workers’ Front.
Cecilia Soria (PTS), provincial deputy (Mendoza).
Noelia Barbeito (PTS), provincial senator (Mendoza).
Martín Baigorria (PTS), council member (Godoy Cruz, Mendoza).
Ulises Jiménez (PTS), council member (Las Heras, Mendoza).
Macarena Escudero (PTS), council member (Mendoza City)
Laura Vilches (PTS), legislator (Córdoba) for the Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores.
Andrea D’Atri, PTS leader, founder of the women organization Pan y Rosas.